the discussion amounts to a documentation of the premise that richard hornstein, my co-author and the bell curve, first famously or notoriously stated in 1973, he had symbolism and differences in mental abilities are inherited and success requires those abilities and earnings and prestige depend on success, than social standing will be based is some extent on inherited differences among people. the denominator has already added a lot to our knowledge of these relationships as i described in the chapter involved. in the final proposition, outside interventions are inherently constrained in the effects they can have on personality, abilities, and social behavior. probably, this will be the most fiercely contested of the tenorer propositions. people hate the idea that we are quite limited in our ability to change personalities, abilities, and social behavior foror the better in large numbers of people by design. crucial distinction, can an inspirational teacher change the trajectory of a board so and student's life? absolutely. can friends intervening with another friend who has a drug p