as hurricane ermer approaches.april of 2014 -- working to improve this country and the government. ( laughter ) >> trevor: trump is so great at words he doesn't even need to open his mouth to say them. and by the way, i want to take a second to congratulate our graphics department for fitting that word on the screen. yeah. really powerful. well done guys. three of our designers died in the attempt but it was worth it. and of course who can forget the devastation of hurricane ermer. so many herms were destroyed. sorry guys i didn't mean to be a bermer. ( laughter ) so what is trump's best word? therefore 64 for you to choose from and we've put them together in a bracket. all you can do is pick the best noun, adjective or whatever you like. just go to and you can watch every video and the clips of every word and you let us know what you think is best. round one is open. start picking because donald trump has done many great things but the words he gives us will live on as his most important. we'l