. budget about an immediate crisis and everybody's froggatt has narrowedlj think everybody's froggattthink you are saying that around the world, particularly in china. china is thinking about a lot of things this year, including hosting the first biodiversity conference. the prep meeting for that had to be moved to rome, and the chinese couldn't participate because they couldn't participate because they couldn't travel. all these big events, the big calendar events this year, they are already being impacted, and you know these big conferences, if they produce a result, it is a result that has been negotiated for the six previous months. if that isn't happening, you are going to have, for example, the climate conference in glasgow which is already under pressure, it is going to be very difficult to produce a result, so anywhere you look, you see things beginning to unravel in unfamiliar ways. obviously travel and tourism are going to be hit in china, and there are going to be so many companies on thin margins which aren't going to survive. that means that there has to be domestic stimu