how old is amelie here? she was probably 1a.and dad on the beach in california which is where we went every year. amelie was the glue that held the entire family together. she was as close to everyone. dad was the most selfless person you could ever have asked for. david, amelie and daniel's older brother had stayed at home to study for his exams. they were just on holiday really because they were very adventurous people, they wanted to get to know the world better, develop a global view, really on how things worked as much as possible. they were caught up in the attack on the shangri—la while they were at breakfast. they had gone to get something from the buffet when it happened. and just because of the way they were standing, you know, my dad made it out with barely a scratch but they didn't. amelie and daniel were amongst those rushed to sri lanka's national hospital. dr indika de lanerolle was one of the medical staff trying to save the wounded. a lot of casualties were there, a lot of dead bodies around me. and i still reme