for the current tour circus director banhart powell was filmed against the backdrop of a green screen and then animated into a virtual balloon. but what do the audiences think is there something missing. but do they think it was about time that real animals left the circus. and i think it's good that there are no more animals because it's not right for them if you really want to see live animals you can go to a zoo right here a parking lot look i think it was breathtaking i really liked it and i've never seen anything like this before but sometimes when you point out is the real truth because i was missing the romantic wrong country spirit of the past holograms and technology are not giving me the same flair. if it had a smell of horses was missing a bit but on the whole i liked it and i can't tell whether it was great really well done but with the elephant i have the impression that it was about to sit in my lap that's how realistic it was. in the next show the virtual world merged with the real world even more. what seems certain is that the circus will remain the only world of magi