chandy.r full name chandrika keach, she had auld told detectives they had had an affair years earlier and he called her before he vanished. but now nine month after he disappeared. detectives got a tip. her father knew more. >> her dad started telling the tale something his daughter may have seen and he was distraught and wanted to talk about it. he said you know reina? he says, yeah, i know the name. >> reporter: she lived with chandy and she knew something, something important. >> and he goes i think she knows where the car is. >> reporter: the elusive mercedes. detectives drove out to see reyna. >> we waited until she showed up. we kind of surprised her. >> reporter: it's what you guys do, right? >> you know, sometimes it works better that way, yeah. she was nervous and startled. wasn't sure what to do. ultimately she provided us the paperwork for the storage locker. >> reporter: reina's store age locker, it was a big one, ten feet by 20. >> we rolled the door up. the only thing in it was