see, this is where the coronavirus messed up because if drova is trying to start up again, that meansalready know it's moves. so this time we're going to protect tom hanks. this time we're going to get the extra ventilators we need and this time i'm going to kidnap my barber before we get locked down so i don't look like i have been lost at sea for two years. look at me! that's it for the headlines. let's get into the big story. from the moment coronavirus started to affect the united states, you could tell that president trump was deeply concerned that this pandemic would have hurt his ability to brag about the economy, and that's why, from the first day the country was shut down, trump has been asking one question -- when can we open this mother (~bleep ) back up? >> with nearly 17 million americans filing unemployment claims in the last three weeks the president is eager to open the country again for business by may 1. >> i call it the opening our country task force or opening our country council. i'm going to have to make a decision, and i only hope to god that it's the right deci