says hencial minister is willing to offer quick financial aid to minus all the red see this as perhaps a sign of hope europe might be able to come together to fight this crisis? >> absolutely. they are going the right direction. moment for cohesion when the pandemic is finally contained. is most impacted by the shutdown. hit extremely hard. they will require fiscal support for quite some time. but kind of af protracted one-off. i have argued for many years that essentially it was designed for another era. werehen public deficits inflationary. is only one benefit to revisitemic, it is to that criteria. from have some comments italy, replying to the letter. saying it is time for the eu to be bold. what does a bold eu mean for investing in european assets? , it cannot be proceeding with transfer from private sector healthy balance sheets to private sector balance sheets. it requires from public balance sheets to private balance sheets. in this spirit, it is important people think out-of-the-box, out of the traditional macroeconomic policies. the. period to which the