or liquid petroleum gas rayno lack clean cooking few. on days that she can find good she has to dissolve to burning plastic. and it leaves her and her family at an increased risk of heart disease and respiratory diseases like asthma. india generates close 226000 tons of plastic waste every year making it to 15 largest plastic in the world. it is this type of 10 plastic known as multi-layered plastic packaging or m l p that slips through the cracks of india's waste management system. bees are also glaringly absent from the dirty dozen list that developed single use plastic items which have been banned in india since october 2090. it was in 2009 that. decided to take matters into her own hand along with her business partner but. first 3 to 4 months we literally sat down with chemical engineers mechanical engineers hollywood engineers or anybody to do with plastics and then of realize plastic is a fossil fuel. after months of research and failed experiments with the help of scientists freds the do adopted a technology that converts all kind