my founders nightmares have given way to the builders excell taishan sally thinks of nothing but the size of my pillows or the design of my flying buttresses. he almost forgets how perilous an adventure he embarked upon with such rudimentary means. 11725 years have passed. 5 long years of labor before reaping the 1st rewards. to. my choir has begun to emerge from the ground i. don't think this is the construction site for the parables. by builders are not many often just a few dozen. their tools may be rudimentary but their gestures opera's sights and their know how unrivaled. these men are part of a special world there are no slaves here every bit of manpower is paid. by little village of workshops sprouts up at my feet they housed the masters and guild craftsmen from the 80 occupations needed for my construction they are the elite of the work site and their talent costs. etienne has also grown sally can be pleased for the little vagabond has found a satellite. actually he's found something even better. a calling. he dreamed of being a stone cutter he admired the highly skilled craf