the grews invited over for dinner, sir robert craigie, the british and vassar to japan, and his wife lady craigie, the grews like sir robert, the grews did not like the lady, they thought she was a nasty woman. in any event, at the social occasions at the american embassy in tokyo, the grews would often show a movie after dinner. the problem was, the projector they used to show the movie was often breaking down. on this particular occasion, as they were watching a movie, the projector again broke down. when it did, lady craigie turned to alice and said isn't it unfortunate, my dear, that that machine of yours is always breaking down. without skipping a beat alice turned to lady craigie and said yes, but isn't it great that we have no important guests tonight. [laughter] i tried to provide that same intimacy in describing the other characters in this drama both american and japanese and if you read the book, you will see that the attack at pearl harbor, was not merely a clash of governments, it was a product of the personalities, the perspectives, and the prejudices of people like you