despite his injuries yousif is very lucky outside we meet his 16 year old isra who'd lost his leg in the same accident. he knew so for waiting for a bus home from the market when a speeding car plowed into them when he can only know i was in an open or dock with the driver tried to break but the car started flipping us over what you saw of was hit and went flying into the ditch i'm awkward to all of them marches on doesn't look good. i was pulled below the car and my leg went under the wheel steering yonder with the car going down the clara. pushed the logical question when i tried to pull it i saw blood pouring out it was everywhere all over my clothes i started screaming my leg humping my leg. is translate was completely separate but his worst fee is what feeds you so if i use a board i want to keep you so forcing the children's hospital from it he went into a coma for 6 days the exam there was only a 5 percent chance he'd survive it. are you i was crying a lot for you son out or no i thought he was gonna. my family started to bring me pictures of you every day to prove that he was