john eligot. to the point i was making about the president, his reflex is combat and conflict, it seems, at times, in the middle of this out of touch. >> right. the nation is crying out for comfort, direction, and guidance and the president seems to be very much focussed on being the law and order president. being tough. even glorifying the fact that the secret service was getting into fights and scuffles with protesters outside the white house he was safe and he was watching when things got violent outside the white house. we are seeing a president who has glorified in the fact he believes he is a tough law and order president. he's not speaking to the broader systemic issues. a couple of months ago, we thought the election would be about the economy and it changed and seemed like it was going to be about the coronavirus and the pandemic. now it seems like racial violence, racial tension, police brutality is going to be a key part of the election and it seems like these two candidates, president