next, from april 2019, sociologist julie albright examines the divide between digital natives of the generations that precede them. >> now we have kids growing up where there's always mobility, what we call mobile devices, smart phones that are internet enabled, ipads, , laptops, all that stuff. kids are now being given these devices at infancy. in 1979 there's a band called the tubes, kind of a park event out of san francisco, a lot of fun but they had an album cover that was called remote control. the album cover was kind of a wink and nod to think about the evil and facts the television, that people thought the television was going to work kids brings ethics like that and get a tv right indicates face in a little crib. i'm going to show your picture now. now were in 2018 and actually this is a real product available on amazon, where the kid has an ipad right at the face from day one. there's others like this. there's potty chairs that have the ipad right there, right at the crib. we actually feeding digital technologies to children before the acquire their language skills. so neur