michael carlin will introduce this item. >> so, the title of the item actually explain what is we're doing here. it is a memorandum of understanding to outline responsibility and authority for each city department as we go into port property in the future. port property, port streets are going to stay under the sdwru, of the port but we'll have infrastructure under those streets and we want to make sure we have the ability to fix those streets going forward. i will naention mission rock is the one doing the black water system and the micro grid. >> commissioners, any questions? >> yes. i have a question. since part of another reason that it's coming before us is because there's going to be a change, i think because they're going to do something different, which is the light weight cellular concrete and i don't know whether it has been done or not, but they don't know how that's going to affect the streets. and so my question is, since it's unknown, the cost associated with the maintenance of utilities and the light weigh cellular co-concrete will exceed the cost of maintenance, utili