if they had made any money on their games this sort of this then in walks among cool here or nobu sakaguchi and he says let's give it one last try just one more game. this final game. he said he wanted to do a role playing game. and since it was to be the last game we put our heart and soul into it. cool. it died or not hence the name final final fantasy game was released on december 18th 190700 mediately broke all records in japan. it's true to say that final fantasy pave the road for all the roleplaying games that followed and i'm pleased to say that nobuo uematsu never again had to worry about finding work i really think he pioneered a form of music that never before existed in any game. there was a musical genius making such amazing music with such simple sounds. i started out at a time when the technology was in its infancy right. game console is at the time i didn't have as much as a handful of voices so to speak i got which $100.00 generate notes but you go helped toward you know to get there so there wasn't much remaining when it came to creating the melody arguments question simply