consider acquiring erikson and nokia to send a message to the world that if you use erikson and nokiave got the backing of the united states government as an alternative to hauwei? >> i gave a speech a while back saying that the two companies best way is erikson and nokia and hauwei has the backing of chinese government and money. just to give you an example of 5g network facilities, the total global market is around 90 billion and the chinese government has set up fund of over 100 billion to subsidize. they can go to countries and say, hey, we will put this in cash free, very cheap money. so, you know, that's -- that's what we are competing against with, with hauwei and the companies like ericsson and nokia are the strongest western competitors in this sector and i gave a speech saying that -- that ultimately the west has to rally around these companies whether that means private ownership or state involvement. maria: so you would be okay taking a stake even if it's a minority stake in these companies to offset the threat of hauwei then? >> that's not a decision for the justice depar