what does this look like for alexa christian nicholas thompson john mara and robinson came rogers oscar kane jimmy actions and griffin all these people who were murdered at the hands of police here in atlanta and what it just looks like for them i think the only way that we can move past qualified immunity and actually seek justice for everyone is to again like i said define the police and abolish the prison industrial complex as the only way forward it seems to be that all the signs are definitely going to point in that direction because you know we've got a lot of promises over the years over and over and over i think we're sick of promises and we need to see action i want to thank you both for the work that you're doing out there to find the justice and find out a quality thank you both for joining us chris brooks there in your position pleasure very much having you both on today and keep up the great work. thank you so much thank you go on. wild conversations and a lot of good answers that i think that you know that are resonating back to around defunding the police the more we see the death t