he said that couould be why clusteters werfound at gyms and clubs in japan. >> youou're clolose by and projojecting youour v voice at someon if the virusus is prprent, t ths every likelihooood you can proje that. >> h he added the virusus can b transmitted when asymptomatic people are breathing heavily or speaking loudly. >>> severe food shortages in north korea are intensifying due to the pandemic. he's calling on pyongyang to do more to prevent people from starving. north korea closed its border with china in january in a bid to stop the spread of the virus. thomas o'hare kintana said it caused homelessnsness and the ct of medicine.. he's calling on pyongyang to allow international aid to be delivered without restrictions saying essential goods are stranded at the border. the special rapture also wants the u.n. security council to reconsider sanctions that impact people's livelihoods and hinder north korea's capacity to respond to the pandemic. it's uncleaear h how many coronavirus cacases there are i north korea as it has not issued a single case with the w.h.o. >>> in hong kong, pr