in addition i wanted as you can see here to boyton lottery in mirror image. all that are made.rom the initial sketches to the modeling of the figures right through to the fine we can explain everything is done it is workshop and this was spillage of some choir. which you know has 6 assistance they work on several summated at once for months at a time most of the projects the commissions even as a chart you know was fascinated by mechanical objects in 1904 he started building automations he grew up in an environment of craftsmanship both his grandfathers were watchmakers. not just these but i learnt watchmaking here with a bit of what i do as this city so it was advantageous to stay here and be around other artisans. not to be away on really tedious on a dozen people publish you have a problem you can just call someone that's really great that's what dobson is most complex automation to date is monsoor attribute to russian poet aleksandr pushkin the android consists of close to 3600 components which allow it to write some 1500 poems sign them and illustrate them making it unique