africa centershe for disease control and the commission issued a statement in regard just a few weeks ago, to be specific, june 22, were rereconvened a continentalonference on covid vaccine. that meeting was chaired by the president of sououth africa and the chair of the african union commission excellency. the sense of that meaning was clclear, we haveve to discuss is related to electoral property, discuss issues related to access to vacaccine, vavariabs for continent of 1.3.3 billion peop. exexactly i that communique, we touch on the d declaration which spspeaks to this intntellectual property you just mentioned. i think you're always reminded whenat happened in 1996 the hiv drugs were available and it took us about seven years, up to 2002, before it became accessible to the continent of africa. i think that situation if it plays ouout now,w, we can see a future of the continent will be completely undeveloped. for an, we are calling globalal solidarity to m make se just speaking about t access too vaccine in developing world and in africa is just not a nice way to say n not just a free word to say, but it is a reality. we are developing our ow