diane was shot and dani jo took off for the hospital.he says she was frantic, but tex, she says, was calm. >> as a matter of fact, at some point a little bit farther up he told me to slow down and be careful, that there might be people out here with -- walking with baby carriages. >> wait a minute. his wife is wounded in the front seat here by his hand, and he's telling you to slow down? >> yes. >> at the hospital diane was already in surgery when police showed up, and that, according to dani jo, is when tex said the weirdest thing. >> he looked past me and he said, i don't trust these guys. i hate to see you get wrapped up in this, dani jo. i've seen how these things can go down. and he said, you just need to tell them that you're down here as a friend of the family. >> wait a minute. you're here as a friend of the family and not as the person who was driving the car when the shooting happened? >> right. and so i leaned down again. well, i said, tex, i just drove you in to the emergency room. looks at me and he goes, well, they don't kn