and that includes our very own desi lydic.ago, we were shocked to learn that one of desi's distant relatives is fox news anchor jeanine pirro, and we just found out desi is also related to rudy giuliani, which sin sane. yeah, he's her uncle on her second cousin's married side thrice divorced. so just this week, desi checked in with uncle rudy to see how he's holding up during the pandemic. >> hey, uncle rudie. i saw a deformed potato in the store and reminded me i hadn't checked in with you in a while. doing okay with the pandemic and everything. >> not doing as well now. >> sorry to hear that. are you staying busy? i fiend it helpful to stick to a schedule like a daily agenda. >> interesting. george soar ross set out on his own agenda. >> uncle rudy, can we please not do the george soros stuff again? >> it's a marxist, anarchist agenda. >> let's not talk politics. >> it's "black lives matter," soar ross to the tune of $30 million. >> believed believed and george soar ross want what? >> your property, the governor to control i