certainly more effective at that than shawn spicer. but i think again did the briefings have -- as i outlined in the article the press secretary, the reason it is a different job is because you are the spokesperson for the executive branch of our government you are somebody who gets paid by taxpayers. you are somebody that people rely on for information, not skewed by politics. it can be information in a time of crisis. i have been in that briefing room during some really weighty times. i remember being there in the aftermath of the boston marathon bombing for instance. being in their after terrorist attacks in france and in london. and during the whole rise of isis. some very tense times where people are relying on the information they are getting from that person. they need to know is not just about putting the president and the best light. it's providing the american people with facts, unvarnished facts. i was in the during the a ebola crisis under obama and now the current pandemic. the information that comes from that podium has t