segal's hand to the painting. then her eyes go over to richard burton eyes, and then they come back to george segal to see how he reacts to the answer, really quick in a millisecond, boom, boom, boom. what does peter do? he is listening, watching, he painting,id that painting't because he cannot mae sense of the gesture, it means nothing to someone who cannot readne minds to know what i'm pointing at ny and pointing at, have to be i be able to inhabity mind, why would malcolm do that, what is the purpose, peter cannotas do that, all he has is information, who did the painting, he looks at the wall with where the painting is but there's three paintings on the wall, what peter does he's going back and forth among all these paintings trying to figure out which paintings, meanwhile the conversation is already moved on,is he missed the whole meanig of the particular encounter. there is another more poignant scene where elizabeth taylor was flirting with george segal. same flirting going on and richard burton is getting angrier and more jealous. . . . ool to look at the way normal viewers look at scenes because you doing the