there's nothing like a crisp refreshing sam adams boston lager. a perfect balance of malt & hops... sorry. i was gonna buy that six-pack. ah, ten bucks. that includes mine. yep, ok. ♪ yep, ok. vented where you want it. cool when you need it. coolzone™fly. from fruit of the loom®. -ç-÷-Ñ-ñ----------------------g welcome to camp tonsafun on xfinity! it's summer camp, but in your living room. learn how to draw with a minions expert... how to build an indoor obstacle course! plus... whatever she's doing. and me, jade catta-preta. the host of e's the soup! camp tonsafun. it's like summer camp, but minus the poison ivy. unless you own poison ivy. in which case, why? just say "summer camp" into your xfinity voice remote to join. h'h'h(h)háh+h,h-h.h/h0h1h2h3h4hj [piano rock] ♪ tonight is the dundies, the annual employee awards night here at dunder mifflin. and this is everybody's favorite day. everybody looks forward to it. because, you know, a lot of the people here don't get trophies very often. like, meredith or kevin. i mean, who's gonna give kevin an award, dunkin' donuts? plus, bonus