sarah palin, kathleen morris and i agree a lot of things on disabilities in schools and we disagree in so many of the. things i don't know exactly what the point is but that is clearly part of the history, that's part of the role of motherhood, who or disability rights has a place of connection. >> we've got about five, ten minutes left so please come on up. >> this is more of a comment. elizabeth perry was president of the society for the historians of the gilded age in the progressive era. her and i served enough bodies executive committee for a number of years i just wanted to recognize the importance of her leadership and that organization. second of all, i want to emphasize one of the things that comes out of her work on muskets. there are many ways in wielding political power other than being elected to federal office. that runs through some of the other comments that have been made here. obviously, being elected to federal office is important. i don't want to suggest otherwise. i'll throw out another example of other ways of wielding power. when california women got the vote in