. -- l leilani farhaha says te system is s flawed. until recently the caniaian was thun spepeci rapportrtr on equauate hsing.. she featates in a recent documentary y which shows s hes she travelels the world d to go the bottom of the housing cris. she speaks with polilitician vestors, tenants'' assosociations, anand with pee expeririencing displplacementr eviction.. her un mandate ended in riril 20. . but leilani i farha is stl pursuiuing the issueue. shshe now runs her own organization from her home in ottawaleililani: the riright to adeququate houg is t the right to o live somewe with peacece, security and dignity, a and i actuaually thinink it's probabably the mt pressising social l issue facg cities f for sure around the world. >> leilanini farha says s adeqe housing is a a human rightht somehting politica o often don't realizize and investorors often , ignore. a homeme for everyonone afford, of a decent size and location. in the fililm, farha disiscuss with expertsts why this ririghs bebeing disregararded more andn. leleilani: yo