throughout her career, nina performed on broadway, danced with what is today the american ballet theatrerved as the artistic director of the houston ballet. her daughter said nina had a strong personality. she was 97 years old. growing up in tuscaloosa, alyson matthews donned bows and pearls, but was an expert in alaba football. following in the family business, she went to law school, bunever practiced-- she wasn't able to give up her career as a medical social worker in a nursing home. crimson tide, the r-oldthe 18ll in love with an auburn fan. they married in after nearly 20 years together. bernard fils-aimÉ committed his life to activism for immigrant the native of haita student activist in new york when he met his wife of more than 40 years. together, they moved tmiami and helped create the haitian refugee center in the 1980s. h in 2000, bernaped launch a company to provide cell phone services through haiti. still, he always had time for his family, his son said. the 67-year-old was warm, gave sage advice, and frequently smiled ear-to-ear. felicia florine campbell was always looking