michael leavitt, who is not a physician but as a biophysicist, and his concepts on the statistics --ore importantly what i'm curious about is a lady who is a professor at ucsf named monica gandhi who is with a lot showta that people are actually getting immunity by wear a masks, t-cells, not anti-bodies. protocols, testing you are talking about letting kids stay in school, that is fine, and protecting the elderly. but there are elderly teachers into substitutes in the schools and if masks are not well enforced, we have the danger of transmission. there are studies both ways. it shows for adults above 25 and above, the chance today of the probability of death from covid-19 relative to influenza, covid-19, you are three times more likely to die from that. for children, the probabilities go the other direction. if you are a young child, something like eight times less likely to die of covid-19 than the flu. were more likely to die from influenza, yet we do not shut down schools for influenza pandemics. covid-19 is a serious disease. death is not the only problem. we do have pretty good