good luck on election night, steve buscemi. >> do follow all the instructions. mail-in voting is like building a bookshelf from ikea. skip one thing, the whole thing could collapse and fall on your nephew and everybody stops talking to you. >> don't write in a fake address like 69 doggy style lane. actually, that's pretty good. i'm going to use that. >> do sign your name before sending your ballot in. that squibble bullshit you do on the credit card machine at cvs, no, your real signature. >> don't eat cheetos before you fill it out. >> don't use your ballot to writer rot cay. >> do remember your state might require a witness to sign your ballot. don't knock it, sometimes voting can be hotter when someone's watching. >> do not send in a naked ballot. in the states that require it, make sure to put your ballot inside the secrecy envelope before sending. >> also, do not send in a naked photo of yourself. i have been told by numerous election officials they are not welcome even if they are extremely sexy. >> don't copy asian kids answers. this isn't high school alg