john's university law school i was researching facebook's own oversight effort she is in new york andy pattongosh co-director of digital platforms and democracy project at harvard's kennedy school he joins us from cambridge massachusetts and everybody we also invited facebook to join us and they didn't offer up a guess but they did copy and paste a statement from earlier on this month so i will show you some of the highlights of that statement during the sheva it was really good to see carol the real facebook oversight board of calling this moment and emergency what is the emergency the magic. special me yet. of which there is absolutely no. oversight or accountability is about to make absolutely critical decisions which are going to affect the outcome of the us election and also the chance we're a power and it's quite terrifying the amount of power that it has in this situation and how little it's done since 2016 when we know that it was used to facilitate and it's hacked on the u.s. democracy by russia and. there are very many people who've come to get the experts who come together on the r