Oct 31, 2020
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. >> cierra el paso, un juez ordena el cierre de negocios no esenciales por 14 dÍas de la ciudad fronterizae detener los aumento de casos de covid-19, el alcalde y decenas de comerciantes desafÍan la medida. >> la esencia del dÍa de los muertos es celebrar la vida de los seres queridos que hemos perdido. >> homenaje a los muertos, una artista latina crea un altar para honrar a los mÁs de 7.000 fallecidos del covid-19 en brooklyn, en mÉxico les mostramos como se empieza a hornear una dulce tradiciÓn de estas fechas el pan de muertos. >> noticias telemundo con dÍaz-balart ♪ ♪ >> la administraciÓn trump ha deportado a mÉxico a mÁs de 200 niÑos centroamericanos. solos, en los Últimos 8 meses. segÚn revela new york times estas expulsiones violan normas internacionales que obligan a regresar a los menores a sus paÍses de origen. guadalupe venegas tiene los detalles. >> son menores indocumentados que estÁn solos, y fueron expulsados a mÉxico aÚn cuando las autoridades estadounidenses saben que vienen de paÍses como honduras el salvador y guatemala asÍ lo indica new york time tras obtener un correo
. >> cierra el paso, un juez ordena el cierre de negocios no esenciales por 14 dÍas de la ciudad fronterizae detener los aumento de casos de covid-19, el alcalde y decenas de comerciantes desafÍan la medida. >> la esencia del dÍa de los muertos es celebrar la vida de los seres queridos que hemos perdido. >> homenaje a los muertos, una artista latina crea un altar para honrar a los mÁs de 7.000 fallecidos del covid-19 en brooklyn, en mÉxico les mostramos como se empieza a...
Oct 30, 2020
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reportando en el paso texas diana vÁsquez telemundo. >> fiscal el fiscal del estado de texas dijo estaoridad para ordenar algo como este, estÁn explorando alternativas para frenar este i cierre de dos semanas en el paso. ahora los casos se estÁn disparando en el estado de illinois que reportÓ su nÚmero mÁs alto de contagios diarios, mÁs de 6300 personas dieron positivas en un mismo dÍa, esto pone en alerta a las autoridades de salud por temor a que los hospitales siguen al lÍmite de su capacidad. hay inquietud entre los residentes >> le ha pasado que he visto que mucha gente que estÁ haciendo fiestas en las casas y no respetan las alineaciones del gobierno. ane >>> en chicago comienzan maÑana nuevas restricciones en bares y restaurantes en un esfuerzo por contener el virus. >> estamos ya en el Último tr n sprint antes de las elecciones, hoy estuvieran los dos en florida, un estado donde el voto latino es decisivo. nuestro compaÑero tiene los detalles, nos vamos contigo rogelio buenas noches . >> quÉ tal julio buenas noches si, florida es fundamental para el presidente trump que si no t
reportando en el paso texas diana vÁsquez telemundo. >> fiscal el fiscal del estado de texas dijo estaoridad para ordenar algo como este, estÁn explorando alternativas para frenar este i cierre de dos semanas en el paso. ahora los casos se estÁn disparando en el estado de illinois que reportÓ su nÚmero mÁs alto de contagios diarios, mÁs de 6300 personas dieron positivas en un mismo dÍa, esto pone en alerta a las autoridades de salud por temor a que los hospitales siguen al lÍmite...
Oct 26, 2020
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we want to keep covering what's happening in el paso. good luck to you and all your hard work there. >>> president trump is accusing him of hiding in the basement. why is joe biden not out on the campaign trail today with just eight critical days left to vote? stay with us. >>> in our 2020 lead today, president trump's campaign saying this afternoon that they are confident that president trump is growing his base, turning out new voters and will be able to win battleground states on election day. campaign manager bill steppien dismissing polls which almost entirely show the president losing in key states and losing his ground game where they are confident, they say, they have substantial advantage over the biden campaign. joining us to discuss, phillip. obviously they want to express positivity in the last week, they want new voters at the polls. do you think there is anything to this, that the president can win over new voters in eight days? >> i'm not sure that's necessarily the case. one of the dynamics we've seen over the past four y
we want to keep covering what's happening in el paso. good luck to you and all your hard work there. >>> president trump is accusing him of hiding in the basement. why is joe biden not out on the campaign trail today with just eight critical days left to vote? stay with us. >>> in our 2020 lead today, president trump's campaign saying this afternoon that they are confident that president trump is growing his base, turning out new voters and will be able to win battleground...
Oct 27, 2020
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i want to talk to the mayor of el paso coming up. they are having to take major action to treat the patients they can opening up new wards in children's hospitals that weren't open. talk to us about the strain you're concerned about. >> in fact, if you look at el paso, they are protectively saying new patients that are coming in, if we can find hospitals outside the region, outside this area at least, we are going to sending patients over there because we anticipate we will start getting filled up. the hospital system, per capita probably fewer icu beds than 10, 20 years ago. this is not a system that is built for significant surge capacity. we typically have flu season, one of the busiest times in terms of overall care in hospitals and general care and icus. but now we are talking about twin demic and flu and coronavirus happening and worsening at the same time. it's a huge concern. it will vary from city-to-city, state-to-state in terms of what their capabilities are. that is the most worrisome thing. i've been following lots of di
i want to talk to the mayor of el paso coming up. they are having to take major action to treat the patients they can opening up new wards in children's hospitals that weren't open. talk to us about the strain you're concerned about. >> in fact, if you look at el paso, they are protectively saying new patients that are coming in, if we can find hospitals outside the region, outside this area at least, we are going to sending patients over there because we anticipate we will start getting...
Oct 30, 2020
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el paso county officials have now ordered all nonessential businesses to shutdown for two weeks.being sent in to help. tents are set up outside hospitals to help with the number of patients. and the convention center is being turned into a field hospital. city representative peter schwartz applauds the move. and is urging el paso residents to wake up to how serious the outbreak has become. >> people need to understand this is not normal, things are at a crisis level. >> reporter: thousands of people are lining up at the drive through covid testing sites. local health officials say there are almost 300 contact tracers working in el paso but they're working to get people to comply. >> many people have an incentive to continue going to work. they don't want to be in isolation or quarantine. >> reporter: but those fighting the disease say these aren't normal times. >> it is a very cruel disease. and the biggest cruelty of all is the fact that you cannot be with your loved one when they're in the hospital recuperating. >> reporter: jim and poppy, the el paso judge here said last night
el paso county officials have now ordered all nonessential businesses to shutdown for two weeks.being sent in to help. tents are set up outside hospitals to help with the number of patients. and the convention center is being turned into a field hospital. city representative peter schwartz applauds the move. and is urging el paso residents to wake up to how serious the outbreak has become. >> people need to understand this is not normal, things are at a crisis level. >> reporter:...
Oct 20, 2020
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el paso, texas, con una poblacion de mayoria hispana, registra un alarmante aumento del 500 borja: elpaso texas con una poblaciÓn hispana registra un alarmante aumento del 500% en los casos con coronavirus. te contamos lo que debes saber. carolina: micrÓfonos silenciados para evitar interrupciones son las reglas que veremos en este prÓximo debate presidencial. el presidente trump ya reaccionÓ. borja: organizaciones sindicales y empleados piden la reapertura de los parques disney en california y volver a sus puestos de trabajo. el gobernador gavin newsom prepara nuevas reglas y asÍ comenzamos. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ carolina: ¿quÉ tal? con mucho gusto borja voces y carolina sarassa en este martes 20 de octubre. esta es tu "ediciÓn digital", bienvenidos. borja: arrancamos con esto; se dispara la curva con mÁximos histÓricos por coronavirus en el paso, texas. una comunidad con mayorÍa hispana. esto es lo que debe saber hasta ahora. durante casi dos semanas consecutivas se registraron mÁs de 8400 casos, lo que supone un aumento del 500%. alejandro: del primer juego al Último la cobertura estÁ aquÍ y lo
el paso, texas, con una poblacion de mayoria hispana, registra un alarmante aumento del 500 borja: elpaso texas con una poblaciÓn hispana registra un alarmante aumento del 500% en los casos con coronavirus. te contamos lo que debes saber. carolina: micrÓfonos silenciados para evitar interrupciones son las reglas que veremos en este prÓximo debate presidencial. el presidente trump ya reaccionÓ. borja: organizaciones sindicales y empleados piden la reapertura de los parques disney en...
Oct 27, 2020
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down in el paso today, same story in the making. "covid-19 patients flood el paso hospitals." in el paso, texas, this weekend, the county judge, the top elected official in el paso county, announced that all el paso area hospitals are filled to 100% capacity. all hospitals, all intensive care units. they're now opening an emergency field hospital at the el paso convention center. 50 beds can extend to 100. they're bringing in dozens of emergency federal medical workers to staff extra beds in el paso. they're opening up the el paso children's hospital to adult patients. this afternoon, the local army medical center -- that's a defense department facility -- the local army medical center is now accepting covid-19 patients from hospitals in the area, too. so, civilians being treated at the military hospital. they're instituting a curfew now in el paso, 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. only essential travel and travel for work allowed during those hours. they are trying to stop people from moving around too much. they are trying to slow down the spread. they are trying to buy the hospitals
down in el paso today, same story in the making. "covid-19 patients flood el paso hospitals." in el paso, texas, this weekend, the county judge, the top elected official in el paso county, announced that all el paso area hospitals are filled to 100% capacity. all hospitals, all intensive care units. they're now opening an emergency field hospital at the el paso convention center. 50 beds can extend to 100. they're bringing in dozens of emergency federal medical workers to staff extra...
Oct 26, 2020
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vamos a seguir muy de cerca el caso del paso, texas. no todos son noticias desalentadoras. arrolla una respuesta en los adultos mayores y en adultos jÓvenes tambiÉn. esta farmacÉutica inglesa junto a la universidad de oxford vienen trabajando hace meses en esto y es probable que este anuncio aumente las esperanzas de tener una vacuna lista antes de que termine el aÑo. vamos a pasar con esta informaciÓn ya son 460 personas en la lista de exclusiÓn de delta airlines por negarse a usar mÁscaras en sus vuelos. usar una es una de las acciones mÁs simples y efectivas que podemos tomar para reducir la transmisiÓn, por lo que delta airlines las ha requerido durante mucho tiempo para nuestros clientes y nuestra gente. esas fueron palabras del presidente de esa compaÑÍa en un memorando a su personal. nos vamos hasta nueva york, porque esta ciudad se convirtiÓ en escenario de enfrentamientos polÍticos en las Últimas horas. un policÍa fue suspendido y por el otro, un desfile de autos de judÍos por trump suscita muchas protestas y peleas en esa ciudad. aylÉn del toro tiene mÁs detalles.
vamos a seguir muy de cerca el caso del paso, texas. no todos son noticias desalentadoras. arrolla una respuesta en los adultos mayores y en adultos jÓvenes tambiÉn. esta farmacÉutica inglesa junto a la universidad de oxford vienen trabajando hace meses en esto y es probable que este anuncio aumente las esperanzas de tener una vacuna lista antes de que termine el aÑo. vamos a pasar con esta informaciÓn ya son 460 personas en la lista de exclusiÓn de delta airlines por negarse a usar...
Oct 29, 2020
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incremento de casas de seguridad donde tienen a los imi en malas condiciones 63 casas descubiertas en el pasoisisipi y alabama zeta puede causar marejadas ciclónicas de hasta 10 pies y cortes de electricidad en el sur de california los bomberos luchan contra dos incendios que han consumido decenas de acres de tierra decenas de personas están en evacuación los incendios llamados (nombre en inglés) y (nombre en inglés) comenzaron el lunes y no han dado tregua los vientos han dejado que se contengan en una quinta parte al regresar de la pausa en noticias telemundo , siguen las protestas en el país por la muerte de un joven a manos de la policía acusan a múltiples agresion 5g ya está aquí. con el iphone 12 y el iphone 12 pro en verizon 5g. me encanta el teléfono. el color está muy lindo. it's the best thing ever. ¡wow! con la cobertura, 5g nationwide. y en más y más ciudades, el performance de ultra wideband. el 5g más rápido del mundo. you can get our fastest speed ever. cámbiate y obtén un iphone 12 por nuestra cuenta i can't believe this phone is out and it's amazing. es el mejor momento para
incremento de casas de seguridad donde tienen a los imi en malas condiciones 63 casas descubiertas en el pasoisisipi y alabama zeta puede causar marejadas ciclónicas de hasta 10 pies y cortes de electricidad en el sur de california los bomberos luchan contra dos incendios que han consumido decenas de acres de tierra decenas de personas están en evacuación los incendios llamados (nombre en inglés) y (nombre en inglés) comenzaron el lunes y no han dado tregua los vientos han dejado que se...
Oct 26, 2020
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good luck to you and good luck to your family in el paso as well. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >>> let's turn to our medical experts right now. dr. sasse joins us now, and the dean commissioner for health of new york city. doctors, the vice president mike pence is in charge of coronavirus efforts, but yet he's refusing right now to quarantine, continues to be out there campaigning. this is how chief of staff mark meadows responded to a question about that. listen. >> i can tell you that what he's doing is wearing a mask, socially distancing, and when he goes up to speak, he will take the mask off, put it back on, but he's wearing a mask as it relates to this particular thing because the doctors have advised him to do that. >> so, dr. jha, aren't these the things the centers for disease control and prevention are telling us all to do whether or not we've been exposed or not? >> wolf, thank you for having me on. they are. it's nice to see the vice president doing that. but at this moment, that's not what he should be doing. he needs to be i
good luck to you and good luck to your family in el paso as well. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >>> let's turn to our medical experts right now. dr. sasse joins us now, and the dean commissioner for health of new york city. doctors, the vice president mike pence is in charge of coronavirus efforts, but yet he's refusing right now to quarantine, continues to be out there campaigning. this is how chief of staff mark meadows responded to a question about that. listen....
Oct 30, 2020
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de zeta por el sudeste el paso de zeta por el sudeste de estados unidos.sin costo extra. metro. dándote el poder para conquistar tu día. con 98 % de ingredientes de origen natural repletos de super frutas para nutrir el pelo hambriento veganos sin siliconas nutritivos no dejan el pelo pesado fructis treats de garnier naturalmente! fel 80% de la¿80%?terias no destán en los dientes. colgate total es diferente. combate las bacterias en toda tu boca. protegiendo en un 100% todas sus superficies. colgate total. protección antibacteriana para una boca más sana. ¿no sabes cuál es el buzón visita vote.ca.govano? para encontrar la locación que más te conviene y deposita tu boleta. y hay otras formas de votar: regresa tu boleta en un lugar de votación, o envíala por correo. también puedes votar en persona durante la votación temprana o el día de las elecciones. vota de la manera que tu prefieras, pero hazlo antes de las 8 p.m. del 3 de noviembre. (♪ música ) >>> se dieron a conocer los vídeos de la muerte de un mexicano a manos de las policías en california, los age
de zeta por el sudeste el paso de zeta por el sudeste de estados unidos.sin costo extra. metro. dándote el poder para conquistar tu día. con 98 % de ingredientes de origen natural repletos de super frutas para nutrir el pelo hambriento veganos sin siliconas nutritivos no dejan el pelo pesado fructis treats de garnier naturalmente! fel 80% de la¿80%?terias no destán en los dientes. colgate total es diferente. combate las bacterias en toda tu boca. protegiendo en un 100% todas sus...
Oct 10, 2020
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el paÍs. con fuertes vientos y continuas lluvias del huracÁn delta ingresa a louisiana. a su pasovastadas Áreas que impactÓ el huracÁn laura hace aproximadamente seis semanas. ese hecho provocÓ que las autoridades indicaran una evacuaciÓn de la zona. >> la situaciÓn tras el paso de laura no es buena. reportero: el huracÁn laura dejÓ miles de viviendas con daÑos y el paso de delta podrÍa empeorar la situaciÓn. >> la tormenta se estÁ moviendo relativamente rÁpido y desde que entrÉ hasta que salga en nuestro estado transcurrirÁn 14 horas. reportero: miles siguieron puertas y ventanas en su casa con madera antes de partir. ella decidiÓ irse de su casa. >> me estoy yendo porque no sabemos si la estructura aguante, ya que pasamos un huracÁn categorÍa cuatro. reportero: el gobernador afirmÓ que hay miles de guardias nacionales preparados para dar asistencia y personal de la energÍa elÉctrica listo para reestablecer el servicio. mientras continÚa el impacto del huracÁn delta en esta regiÓn, las autoridades han establecido toque de queda en la mayorÍa de las ciudades del suroeste de louisi
el paÍs. con fuertes vientos y continuas lluvias del huracÁn delta ingresa a louisiana. a su pasovastadas Áreas que impactÓ el huracÁn laura hace aproximadamente seis semanas. ese hecho provocÓ que las autoridades indicaran una evacuaciÓn de la zona. >> la situaciÓn tras el paso de laura no es buena. reportero: el huracÁn laura dejÓ miles de viviendas con daÑos y el paso de delta podrÍa empeorar la situaciÓn. >> la tormenta se estÁ moviendo relativamente rÁpido y...
Oct 29, 2020
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en algunas ciudades como el paso texas los hospitales ya están completamente desbordados. unidos superan los 8,922,000. más de 228,000 personas han muerto. en todo el mundo los contagios supera los 44 millones. ya hay más de 1,178,000 personas fallecidas por coronavirus. en méxico el covid-19 superó hoy la lamentable cifra de 90,000 muertes oficiales. >>> en europa se multiplican las muertes. en todo el continente han aumentado un 40% en los últimos siete días. para frenar el avance de la pandemia, españa, italia y francia imponen nuevas restricciones a la población. los datos del coronavirus generan mucha a las personas al alma >>> muy buenas noches paulina >>> la nueva ola de covid-19 que azota estados unidos está golpeando con todo a la nación. hay aumentos en contagios, hospitalizaciones y fallecimientos lamentablemente y mientras el presidente donald trump es optimista en su pronóstico, los expertos dicen que las infecciones están llevando un punto crítico >>> las infecciones por covid-19 se están propagando en estados unidos de un ritmo más acelerado desde que aumentó
en algunas ciudades como el paso texas los hospitales ya están completamente desbordados. unidos superan los 8,922,000. más de 228,000 personas han muerto. en todo el mundo los contagios supera los 44 millones. ya hay más de 1,178,000 personas fallecidas por coronavirus. en méxico el covid-19 superó hoy la lamentable cifra de 90,000 muertes oficiales. >>> en europa se multiplican las muertes. en todo el continente han aumentado un 40% en los últimos siete días. para frenar el...
Oct 27, 2020
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it's not just el paso.u look at what's going on in new mexico and las crusas and what we're seeing in the middle of the country, it's spraieadin across the northern part of the nation and pretty soon it's going to be over the entire nation unless we can get, as i said, the governors to really double down and make up for the lack of a federal government and implement all of those measures that we need to do. >> dr. hotez, one more question. there's this study out of britain and think it's important that people need to hear from you ton whi you on it which has to do with the amount of antibodies in your body after you have the coronavirus. and what they found in britain was the amount of antibodies have diminished appreciate ashlash ably over a four-month period. what does that tell us about how long you have an immunity if you've had coronavirus or how long you'll have an immunity if you're v you're vaccinated. >> this is a study of 350,000 of people in the uk, it was done over the summer, the original antib
it's not just el paso.u look at what's going on in new mexico and las crusas and what we're seeing in the middle of the country, it's spraieadin across the northern part of the nation and pretty soon it's going to be over the entire nation unless we can get, as i said, the governors to really double down and make up for the lack of a federal government and implement all of those measures that we need to do. >> dr. hotez, one more question. there's this study out of britain and think it's...
Oct 27, 2020
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marÍa: los hospitales de el paso, texasestÁn tomando medidas extremas. que esta acacia capacidad. marÍa: las hospitalizaciones aumentaron 300% en las Últimas dos semanas. el gobernador greg abbott ordenÓ equipar el centro de convenciones para un centenar de pacientes, en caso que colapsen los centros de salud de la ciudad. >> si se llegara a dar el caso que no tienen capacidad, entoncesse va a expandir y ya va a estar listo el centro de convenciones. marÍa: las autoridades pidieron a la poblaciÓn quedarse en casa por losprÓximos 14 dÍas, solamente una persona de la familia sale a realizar los unidades esenciales. algunos ignoran las advertencias. ante esa indiferencia de algunos, el condado de el paso impuso toque de queda desde las 10:00 de la noche hasta las 5:00 de la maÑana, hasta que se reduzca el contagio masivo en la comunidad. aquellos que violen la medida, serÁn multados. el departamento de manejo de emergencias de texashabilitÓ seis centros para realizar pruebas de coronavirus como este. toda la semana han estadorepletos de personas. aquÍ se rea
marÍa: los hospitales de el paso, texasestÁn tomando medidas extremas. que esta acacia capacidad. marÍa: las hospitalizaciones aumentaron 300% en las Últimas dos semanas. el gobernador greg abbott ordenÓ equipar el centro de convenciones para un centenar de pacientes, en caso que colapsen los centros de salud de la ciudad. >> si se llegara a dar el caso que no tienen capacidad, entoncesse va a expandir y ya va a estar listo el centro de convenciones. marÍa: las autoridades pidieron...
Oct 28, 2020
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is behavior changing in el paso?een interesting interplay in terms of policy and behavior which is that if there's an outbreak even if you don't say close restaurants or gyms people stop going to them because they don't want to get sick. are you seeing behavior changing in your traffic data and the amount of people masking in terms of people going to bars and things like that that gives you faith that that curve can be brought down? >> well, you are know, the way it starts, chris, is we go from 50 to 75 and everybody gets excited and they drop their guard. so, i'm always very careful when we were moving forward because the first thing that would happen, people stop going to testing. things seem to get better and then we're right back to the same situation, especially after every holiday. so, once we saw that, then obviously it does help. when we went to restaurants, first restaurants no service after 9:00, that didn't work very well. and then i implemented in my order that you would have to be out of the business by
is behavior changing in el paso?een interesting interplay in terms of policy and behavior which is that if there's an outbreak even if you don't say close restaurants or gyms people stop going to them because they don't want to get sick. are you seeing behavior changing in your traffic data and the amount of people masking in terms of people going to bars and things like that that gives you faith that that curve can be brought down? >> well, you are know, the way it starts, chris, is we...
Oct 27, 2020
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in el paso county. situation is so dire that a new stay at home order has been issued along with a night time curfew for all nonessential workers. >> it is the first time i have seen her since a week. >> reporter: el paso resid >> reporter: el paso resident and author ron stallworth is recovering at home. when is the last time you saw ron? >> eight days ago. >> reporter: while his wife patsy is battling the virus at a hospital. >> wednesday, was a bad day. >> reporter: how bad was it. >> enough to start saying your good-byes. if it weren't for oxygen i don't think i would be here. >> reporter: nationwide, coronavirus cases are on the rise in 44 states. with more than 41,000 covid patients hospitalized. a 40% increase in the past month. no states are seeing declines. in utah, administrators are already warning of the possibility of rationing access to critical care, using standards that would favor younger patients. back on the border in south texas, with death rates at nearly five percent, dr. ivan mele
in el paso county. situation is so dire that a new stay at home order has been issued along with a night time curfew for all nonessential workers. >> it is the first time i have seen her since a week. >> reporter: el paso resid >> reporter: el paso resident and author ron stallworth is recovering at home. when is the last time you saw ron? >> eight days ago. >> reporter: while his wife patsy is battling the virus at a hospital. >> wednesday, was a bad day....
Oct 27, 2020
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cifra de muertos en que me lo en 44 de esos estados, y miles de hospitalizados, muchos de ellos en el pasociÓn es delicada y se han puesto el toque de queda, desde allÍ reporta pedro roja. >> superÓ un aumento del 300% de nuevos casos tiene a los hospitales a total capacidad, provocÓ que desde hoy se imponga un toque de queda entre las 10:00 de la noche y 10:00 de la maÑana, el juez del condado justificÓ esa acción. >> parar la movilidad de nuestra comunidad. en los Últimos dÍas instalaron cargos para atender pacientes fuera de un hospital como el centro de convenciones se convertirÁ en hospital temporal y el gobernador pidiÓ que permita movilizar todos los enfermos que no tiene covid-19 un hospital militar. >> los que no tienen covid-19 estÁn sufriendo, si usted tiene una emergencia iba al hospital no lo van a poder atender. >> se reportaron 1433 casos muchos en los 50... el paso es definitivamente el inicio de la segunda ola de contagio en los estados unidos. >> va a pasar en otras ciudades conforme va bajando la temperatura y yo te puedo asegurar que va a llegar a houston en las siguien
cifra de muertos en que me lo en 44 de esos estados, y miles de hospitalizados, muchos de ellos en el pasociÓn es delicada y se han puesto el toque de queda, desde allÍ reporta pedro roja. >> superÓ un aumento del 300% de nuevos casos tiene a los hospitales a total capacidad, provocÓ que desde hoy se imponga un toque de queda entre las 10:00 de la noche y 10:00 de la maÑana, el juez del condado justificÓ esa acción. >> parar la movilidad de nuestra comunidad. en los Últimos...
Oct 29, 2020
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>>> hospitals at a breaking point in el paso, covid hospitalizations up 300% medical tents set up for the overflow. >>> philadelphia on edge a curfew going into effect after two nights of unrest over the police shooting of walter wallace jr. >>> the hidden crisis in the pandemic for working moms >>> and the backlash of the new world series champs, a star player celebrating on the field after testing positive for covid. >>> this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt reporting tonight from pennsylvania. >> good evening. from wilkes-barre, in what may be the most important battleground in this election view from pennsylvania in just a few minutes but first to news breaking as we come on the air. hurricane zeta has just made landfall in louisiana. new orleans in the hurricane warning zone after zeta rapidly intensified into a category 2 storm just no rest in this record year for th hurricane battered gulf coast we have a late report now from morgan chesky. >> reporter: tonight, hurricane zeta unprecedented and unrelenting. the category 2 storm lashing louisiana, the strongest hurricane t
>>> hospitals at a breaking point in el paso, covid hospitalizations up 300% medical tents set up for the overflow. >>> philadelphia on edge a curfew going into effect after two nights of unrest over the police shooting of walter wallace jr. >>> the hidden crisis in the pandemic for working moms >>> and the backlash of the new world series champs, a star player celebrating on the field after testing positive for covid. >>> this is "nbc nightly...
Oct 19, 2020
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a 500% increase in cases this month alone in el paso, texas. the director of public health declaring the situation is, quote, out of control. hospitalizations up in 41 states, including texas. and this evening, more than 220,000 american lives have been lost. here's abc's chief national correspondent matt gutman from texas tonight. >> reporter: inside the icu at the university medical center in el paso -- >> you ready? >> reporter: -- doctors and nurses are fighting to save their covid patients. is it fair to say you're in the surge? >> yes, this is by far the highest number of patients we've had since the pandemic again. >> reporter: el paso seeing a 500% increase in cases over the past two weeks. icu beds are filling. at one point over the weekend, only seven icu beds were left in a region of over a million people. >> the more positives, the more hospitalizations, the more icus, the more respirators, and then ultimately the more deaths. >> reporter: here and across the country, authorities urging americans to take the virus seriously. >> make
a 500% increase in cases this month alone in el paso, texas. the director of public health declaring the situation is, quote, out of control. hospitalizations up in 41 states, including texas. and this evening, more than 220,000 american lives have been lost. here's abc's chief national correspondent matt gutman from texas tonight. >> reporter: inside the icu at the university medical center in el paso -- >> you ready? >> reporter: -- doctors and nurses are fighting to save...
Oct 29, 2020
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covid cases in el paso, texas continuing a dangerous trend as hospitals struggle to cope. the city's congresswoman, veronica escobar, will be here. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. i'm still on the road to what's next. and i'm still going for my best. even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'm on top of that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? getting out there. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may in
covid cases in el paso, texas continuing a dangerous trend as hospitals struggle to cope. the city's congresswoman, veronica escobar, will be here. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. i'm still on the road to what's next. and i'm still going for my best. even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'm on top of that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk...
Oct 28, 2020
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nbc news correspondent gabe gutierrez joins us from el paso.e, what's being done to handle the surge? >> reporter: hi there, andrea. yes, as you mentioned, hospitalizations are up dramatically in el paso. behind me, you can see one of the mobile medical tents, several of them, actually, set up here at the university medical center of el paso. 12 or 15 patients per tent. right now at this hospital there are nearly 200 covid patients, some of them critically ill and airlifted to other parts of the state. they're also dealing with staffing issues here, and in many other hospitals, not just in texas but across the country, they're bringing in travel nurses from across the state. here in el paso local officials have imposed a nightly curfew to try and stop the spread of the virus. take a listen to the chief medical officer from another medical center here in the region. take a listen. >> just two weeks ago, we were having public discourse around 500 cases a day, 700 cases a day, 800. last week we broke the record three times, a thousand, 1,200, 1,40
nbc news correspondent gabe gutierrez joins us from el paso.e, what's being done to handle the surge? >> reporter: hi there, andrea. yes, as you mentioned, hospitalizations are up dramatically in el paso. behind me, you can see one of the mobile medical tents, several of them, actually, set up here at the university medical center of el paso. 12 or 15 patients per tent. right now at this hospital there are nearly 200 covid patients, some of them critically ill and airlifted to other parts...
Oct 27, 2020
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the top elected official in el paso county announced that all el paso hospitals are filled to 100% capacity, all hospitals, all intensive care units. they're now opening an emergency field hospital at the el paso convention center. 50 beds can expand to 100. they're bringing in emergency medical workers to staff beds. they're opening up the children's hospital to adult patients. the local army medical center, a defense department facility is now accepting covid-19 patients from hospitals in the area too. so civilians being treated at the military hospital. they're instituting a curfew now in el paso. 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. they are trying to stop people from moving around too much. they're trying to slow down the spread. they're trying to buy the hospitals some time. you know, in terms of that crisis staffing being flown into el paso, utah's hospitals may need crisis staffing too. the state hospital association in utah is now warning that they are heading toward rationing care in utah hospitals, warning that that means very stark, very dire decisions. they may have to start triaging older
the top elected official in el paso county announced that all el paso hospitals are filled to 100% capacity, all hospitals, all intensive care units. they're now opening an emergency field hospital at the el paso convention center. 50 beds can expand to 100. they're bringing in emergency medical workers to staff beds. they're opening up the children's hospital to adult patients. the local army medical center, a defense department facility is now accepting covid-19 patients from hospitals in the...
Oct 27, 2020
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el paso county.g 1390 new cases with four additional deaths. it's very close to yesterday's record when we had over 1400 cases. this curfew will be enforced for the next two weeks having people stay at home from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. those who do not follow will be fined with up to $500. and under the order, people can go to work or shop for essentials, but they're expected to stay home and not be out past 10:00 p.m. a county judge says this order is meant to help both the public health and the economy by keeping the business still open. many el paso citizens are concerned this is not enough as we hit a record number of cases yesterday reaching over 1400 cases. and right now our hospitals are completely full. we are at capacity. we have recorded a 300% spike in the past several weeks. and health officials here are even building or putting an extended hospital in our convention center here in el pa paso. we're hoping in these two weeks we'll -- our health officials will be able to catch up with all
el paso county.g 1390 new cases with four additional deaths. it's very close to yesterday's record when we had over 1400 cases. this curfew will be enforced for the next two weeks having people stay at home from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. those who do not follow will be fined with up to $500. and under the order, people can go to work or shop for essentials, but they're expected to stay home and not be out past 10:00 p.m. a county judge says this order is meant to help both the public health and...
Oct 30, 2020
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el paso county now has more hospitalized coronavirus patients, 934, than 33 states. and additional doctors and nurses sent by the state aren't enough. >> we have never seen a situation like this. >> reporter: is there enough happening for el paso? >> we are on a constant request for staff. >> reporter: utah also facing an increasingly desperate situation. >> we are in the middle of a very, very serious spike, and we need to take every precaution to avoid the worst case. >> reporter: that could now be happening in wisconsin, where hospitals say they could run out of i.c.u. beds in two weeks. >> the numbers are stunning. we're going to have many more hospitalizations. and that will inevitably lead to more deaths. >> reporter: but there's a bright spot in miami tonight-- dr. jacob gozi finally going home to his wife and five children after battling covid in the hospital for 120 days. >> when i was down, they would always cheer me up and try to tell me that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. >> reporter: with the pandemic exploding here in texas, tonight the
el paso county now has more hospitalized coronavirus patients, 934, than 33 states. and additional doctors and nurses sent by the state aren't enough. >> we have never seen a situation like this. >> reporter: is there enough happening for el paso? >> we are on a constant request for staff. >> reporter: utah also facing an increasingly desperate situation. >> we are in the middle of a very, very serious spike, and we need to take every precaution to avoid the worst...
Oct 29, 2020
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el paso tonight is in crisis. el paso is closing in on 1,000 people hospitalized with covid in that one city alone. in addition to everybody else who has to be hospitalized for every other reason, they've got 1,000 covid patients hospitalized nearly in el paso now. they're adding 30, 40, 50 more covid patients to their hospitals every day. there just isn't the medical capacity to treat that many people. that's why i wanted you to see the medical director there from the local hospital talking about how exhausted the health care providers are. there's 111 covid patients on ventilators right now in el paso according to the city's latest data. 111 people all on ventilators right now, that one city. in almost every state in the country, 47 out of 50 states, the epidemic is now officially growing. 47 out of 50 states, so it's getting worse. more than 1,000 americans died from covid today alone. last night we covered the new study out of kansas that compared kansas counties with a mask mandate to kansas counties without
el paso tonight is in crisis. el paso is closing in on 1,000 people hospitalized with covid in that one city alone. in addition to everybody else who has to be hospitalized for every other reason, they've got 1,000 covid patients hospitalized nearly in el paso now. they're adding 30, 40, 50 more covid patients to their hospitals every day. there just isn't the medical capacity to treat that many people. that's why i wanted you to see the medical director there from the local hospital talking...
Oct 31, 2020
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el paso's mayor is not on board.ttorney general ken paxton says the judge does not have the authority and will take legal action should the judge try to lock down el paso. with me now democratic congresswoman of texas. she represents the 16th district which includes el paso. also with us texas congresswoman sylvia garcia and florida congresswoman. thank you all so much for being here. i want to begin with you. what is the situation right now in your district and what do you make of this battle with the texas ag over covid measures? >> hi. thanks for having us on. it's so wonderful to see my fellow comadres and i appreciate you asking about my community. we are ground zero yet again for another tragic crisis. we saw record numbers of positive cases announced this morning. we have almost 600 deaths. our hospitals are at capacity. our icus are at capacity. the morgue has run out of space and the counties looking for ways to expand space for people who have passed away from covid because there is no more room at the morg
el paso's mayor is not on board.ttorney general ken paxton says the judge does not have the authority and will take legal action should the judge try to lock down el paso. with me now democratic congresswoman of texas. she represents the 16th district which includes el paso. also with us texas congresswoman sylvia garcia and florida congresswoman. thank you all so much for being here. i want to begin with you. what is the situation right now in your district and what do you make of this battle...
Oct 30, 2020
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they're almost like el paso blind. we know what you need. so what i've been fighting is that opportunity to give our community leaders the advantage of saying we live here. we live with this situation. we know what to do. but it's been very difficult, don, to really have that kind of an alignment with the governor. he has been exceptionally generous in providing the sources for testing and contact tracing, all of these things. so there is two buckets. one is fighting the people that already have the virus. and then there is this other bucket as to what do we need to do to prevent the virus. and i think that's where we're having our differences. >> well, let's -- all this is happening, as you know, in the middle of a very consequential election or elections, and they're considered essential service, right. but you concerned people who plan to vote in person will be reluctant to go to the polls, judge? >> you know, one of the things that was very important is the timeliness. and people say well, why not wait until wednesday? when i approached
they're almost like el paso blind. we know what you need. so what i've been fighting is that opportunity to give our community leaders the advantage of saying we live here. we live with this situation. we know what to do. but it's been very difficult, don, to really have that kind of an alignment with the governor. he has been exceptionally generous in providing the sources for testing and contact tracing, all of these things. so there is two buckets. one is fighting the people that already...
Oct 10, 2020
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seguiremos siguiendo el paso de delta. ton texas a se en galveston a 100 millas al sur de donde tocó tierra el huracán. sus fuertes vientos y marejadas han 100 millas al sur, ha dejado a mñoss deales y h habitantes así servi eléctrico, en la costa las ser eléctrico en la costa las autorida autoridades extremar las precauciones y a extremaron la precaución . >>> a es .alto >>> hay mucho oleaje, estamos bloqueando toda la gente entrando al área hay mucho olea esta.s bloqueando a la ge >>> es eien no el tercer cicló nivel de las rodillas . >>> es el tercer ciclo que impacta en galveston esten que impacta en galveston este año. luego de laura y beta. >>> señores el segundo debate entre donald trum entre donald trumpp y joe biden oficialmente cancelado, de esta manera lo informó la comisión de debates presidenciales debido al desacuerdo e cancelado. así lo anunciaron debido a desacuerdos en el formato los n ganizadores prel formato, loel cara s organizadores propusieron que este cara a cara fuera virtual popor el broto de covid-
seguiremos siguiendo el paso de delta. ton texas a se en galveston a 100 millas al sur de donde tocó tierra el huracán. sus fuertes vientos y marejadas han 100 millas al sur, ha dejado a mñoss deales y h habitantes así servi eléctrico, en la costa las ser eléctrico en la costa las autorida autoridades extremar las precauciones y a extremaron la precaución . >>> a es .alto >>> hay mucho oleaje, estamos bloqueando toda la gente entrando al área hay mucho olea esta.s...
Oct 28, 2020
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. >> nbc's gabe gutierrez is in el paso, texas. el paso is a city seeing the surge in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations as well. gabe, what's the situation there like right now? >> craig, picking up on that point, el paso seeing about a 300% surge in hospitalization in recent days. university medical center, where we're at right now, we're overlooking these tents that have been constructed right outside the hospital. craig, this is something they put up several days ago, nearly 200 or so covid patients right now. in each tent they have a capacity for 12 or 15. the county judge is calling this a crisis situation in el paso. some of the more serious patients are being airlifted to other cities throughout texas. traveling nurses are coming here to el paso to help with staffing issues as well. we also spoke with a doctor who runs a local clinic here that deals with lower income patients and migrants as well. he says he's seeing about 200 patients a day. about half of them are testing positive for covid-19. take a listen to what he
. >> nbc's gabe gutierrez is in el paso, texas. el paso is a city seeing the surge in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations as well. gabe, what's the situation there like right now? >> craig, picking up on that point, el paso seeing about a 300% surge in hospitalization in recent days. university medical center, where we're at right now, we're overlooking these tents that have been constructed right outside the hospital. craig, this is something they put up several days ago, nearly...
Oct 27, 2020
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queda buscan bajar el número de contagios por coronavirus ante el crecimiento del 300 por ciento en el pasoiempo para un respirador . >> amigos buscan apoyo para ayudar a la esposa de pedro, mientras tanto el juez del condado ordenó toque de queda, atacando las concentraciones familiares con multa . >> dicen estoy cansado quiero salir . >> el número se triplicó a 800 personas, el centro de convenciones del paso, se covirtió en un hospital con 100 camas, el padre de esta mujer muere el día en que sepultarían a su mamá roci . >> a mi papá se le paró el corazón quería que siguieran haciéndole (palabra en inglés), dos veces fue . >> los hospitales del paso están llenos, solamente ingresan personas graves por coronavirus, autoridades llaman a permanecer en casa . >> y en méxico, miles de personas desafiaron riesgos de la pandemia en concierto de música grupera, ahí tenemos el video en redes sociales, se ve la multitud en la fiesta del fin de semana, uno de los vocalistas gritó que no le impotaba la pandemia, esta es la segunda alcaldía en el estado de méxico, en el país sigue el alza en el númer
queda buscan bajar el número de contagios por coronavirus ante el crecimiento del 300 por ciento en el pasoiempo para un respirador . >> amigos buscan apoyo para ayudar a la esposa de pedro, mientras tanto el juez del condado ordenó toque de queda, atacando las concentraciones familiares con multa . >> dicen estoy cansado quiero salir . >> el número se triplicó a 800 personas, el centro de convenciones del paso, se covirtió en un hospital con 100 camas, el padre de esta...
Oct 29, 2020
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. >> el paso es hacer una encuesta con las familias.las tablas o no. van a mitigar los riesgos. >> todos los estudiantes van a ser recibidos. >> ella es una maestra de octavo grado. para actualizaciones por parte del distrito pueden ingresar en la pÁgina que ven en pantalla. ramÓn: cada distrito escolar tiene su plan para llevar en persona a sus hijos. en este momento vemos imÁgenes en vivo en san josÉ, este evento es organizado por varias asociaciones que acusan a ice. >> queremos ganar juntos. ramÓn: ice emitió un comunicado respondiendo a las demandas hice lo siguiente: nuestra visiÓn es proteger estados unidos del crimen que cruza la frontera que amenaza el bienestar del pÚblico y esta misiÓn se cumple enfocados en las reglas federales. en breve tenemos lo detalles sobre la propuesta 24. tambiÉn hablamos sobre las elecciones presidenciales en estados clave. tenemos mÁs informaciÓn ¿no sabes cuál es el buzón oficial más cercano? visita vote.ca.gov para encontrar la locación que más te conviene y deposita tu boleta. y hay otras formas
. >> el paso es hacer una encuesta con las familias.las tablas o no. van a mitigar los riesgos. >> todos los estudiantes van a ser recibidos. >> ella es una maestra de octavo grado. para actualizaciones por parte del distrito pueden ingresar en la pÁgina que ven en pantalla. ramÓn: cada distrito escolar tiene su plan para llevar en persona a sus hijos. en este momento vemos imÁgenes en vivo en san josÉ, este evento es organizado por varias asociaciones que acusan a ice....
Oct 20, 2020
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here in el paso, officials are calling the spread uncontrollable.ne statistic stands out, a 500% increase in covid cases. this morning, that wave of covid patients is crashing over west texas hospitals. is it fair to say that you're in the surge right now? >> yes, we are in the surge and this is by far the highest number of patients that we've had since the pandemic began. >> reporter: inside the icu at the university medical center in el paso, the work to save covid patients. >> are you ready? >> reporter: el paso considered one of america's safest cities but it's a ground zero for the virus. >> so in the last two weeks we have seen a very sharp increase in positive cases to about 500% increase. >> reporter: the city's mayor blaming young people. >> we've had some real excessive number growth that we attribute to the ages 20 to 39. over 52% as of last thursday. >> reporter: nationwide cases are rising an average of 15% each week and one in five u.s. hospitals reporting more than 80% of their icu beds are filled. that's higher than at any previous p
here in el paso, officials are calling the spread uncontrollable.ne statistic stands out, a 500% increase in covid cases. this morning, that wave of covid patients is crashing over west texas hospitals. is it fair to say that you're in the surge right now? >> yes, we are in the surge and this is by far the highest number of patients that we've had since the pandemic began. >> reporter: inside the icu at the university medical center in el paso, the work to save covid patients....
Oct 25, 2020
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we'll talk to the mayor of el paso next. are proven stronger or more effective against pain than salonpas patch large there's surprising power in this patch salonpas dependable, powerful relief. hisamitsu. that selling carsarvana, 100% online wouldn't work. but we went to work. building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. creating a coast to coast network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. and putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. that's why we've become the nation's fastest growing retailer. because our customers love it. see for yourself, at carvana.com. but we can still help protect each other this flu season by getting vaccinated. if you're 65 or older, get the superior flu protection of fluzone high-dose quadrivalent. it's the only 65+ flu vaccine with four times the standard dose. and it's free with medicare part b. fluzone high-dose quadrivalent isn't for people who've had a severe
we'll talk to the mayor of el paso next. are proven stronger or more effective against pain than salonpas patch large there's surprising power in this patch salonpas dependable, powerful relief. hisamitsu. that selling carsarvana, 100% online wouldn't work. but we went to work. building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. creating a coast to coast network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience...
Oct 11, 2020
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look, i was in el paso a couple is a u.s.go, maria citizen who works as an executive assistant in el so and she lives in warez. every morning-- juarez. every morning she has to get up two hours early to make it over the bridge. she works a full day and has to make it home and it takes her an extra two hours to get home. that is wrong. we have to safely reopen our border for economic purposes for places like el paso, eagle pass, del rio. that is one community. this is about americans, not a party. steve: gina ortiz jones, how do you balance the people of in the district versus the economic impact of covid closures? gina: medical experts a time and time again the way we open up the economy is by addressing this pandemic. we still do not have a national testing strategy. we do not have enough contact tracers. we do not have enough ppe. -- starto art there there to safely open the economy and get help to working families and small business owners. opponenthave an putting political ambitions above the safety and health of community. tonight you're hearing two different visions. we are goin
look, i was in el paso a couple is a u.s.go, maria citizen who works as an executive assistant in el so and she lives in warez. every morning-- juarez. every morning she has to get up two hours early to make it over the bridge. she works a full day and has to make it home and it takes her an extra two hours to get home. that is wrong. we have to safely reopen our border for economic purposes for places like el paso, eagle pass, del rio. that is one community. this is about americans, not a...
Oct 29, 2020
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traveling nurses, hundreds of them are coming into el paso from across the state.itical patients are being airlifted to some other cities today we spoke with a woman who recovered from covid-19 last month, but 15 members of her extended family got sick including her grandfather who passed away. >> once it finally came to be his time i guess we found some sort of relief knowing that he didn't have to go through it anymore. >> shep, the u.s. is averaging more than 72,000 new covid cases a day and at least 36 states have seen a rise in hospitalizations over the last several days here in el paso there was a lot of concern heading into the onc winter where more people wil winter where more people will congregate, as well as flu season, but i spoke with the chief medical officer here who says he's not so much concerned about the next few months. he's more concerned about the upcoming week. shep >> gabe, thanks. >>> brand new update on the hurricane. 300,000 people are now without power and we've just gotten a clear signal out to nbc's jay gray who is in new orleans this
traveling nurses, hundreds of them are coming into el paso from across the state.itical patients are being airlifted to some other cities today we spoke with a woman who recovered from covid-19 last month, but 15 members of her extended family got sick including her grandfather who passed away. >> once it finally came to be his time i guess we found some sort of relief knowing that he didn't have to go through it anymore. >> shep, the u.s. is averaging more than 72,000 new covid...
Oct 26, 2020
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hospitals in el paso, texas, are at capacity. medical teams scrambling to airlift critically ill patients to nearby cities. and these surge tents put up to house the staggering influx of covid patients. how serious is this? >> so, we realize that this is the unexpected. this is something that we've not had to do before. >> reporter: the city urging residents to stay home for two weeks to stop the spread. >> by next wednesday, we're going to need another 200-plus hospital rooms. >> reporter: utah hospitals warning they could soon be forced to ration icu beds and prioritize younger patients. >> i did not think we were ever going to get to a point where we were going to deny people care in the icu based on age or how sick they are. if that's starting to happen already and we have many, many weeks of this surge to go, i am starting to get concerned that we may get into trouble. >> reporter: hospitalizations hitting records in 16 states last week. deaths now rising in 27. no corner of the country spared. ohio saw a record number of ca
hospitals in el paso, texas, are at capacity. medical teams scrambling to airlift critically ill patients to nearby cities. and these surge tents put up to house the staggering influx of covid patients. how serious is this? >> so, we realize that this is the unexpected. this is something that we've not had to do before. >> reporter: the city urging residents to stay home for two weeks to stop the spread. >> by next wednesday, we're going to need another 200-plus hospital...
Oct 25, 2020
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staying home, that would also mean people in el paso are being told to stay at home, but also not to vote. >> voting should be safe whether it's in person or by mail. we know there's been a lot of efforts to put good guidance forward a how to vote safe. we need enough ppe, so election day does not become a super-spreader, but i think voting can be done correctly. politicizing this is a nightmare. we all want the coronavirus to go in a different direction. so, yeah, anytime politics have entered, we have seen things happen. anytime i see something like that, i worry because again, it's not an academic exercise. real lives are on the line. >> dr. jeremy faust, thank you so much. this programming note, perhaps the question will be answered the mayor of el paso, texas, will join ana cabrera tonight at 7:00 eastern. >>> now to this cnn exclusive. back in august, the trump administration issued a new policy to improve flu vaccinate rates among children. a c investigation shows the move is not working. elizabeth cohen, what more are you learning? >> we have heard about the coming twindemmic
staying home, that would also mean people in el paso are being told to stay at home, but also not to vote. >> voting should be safe whether it's in person or by mail. we know there's been a lot of efforts to put good guidance forward a how to vote safe. we need enough ppe, so election day does not become a super-spreader, but i think voting can be done correctly. politicizing this is a nightmare. we all want the coronavirus to go in a different direction. so, yeah, anytime politics have...
Oct 12, 2020
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i was in el paso a couple weeks ago. she works as an executive assistant in el paso she lives there. every morning she has to get up two hours early to make it over the bridge she works a full day has to make it home and it takes her a next or two hours to get home. that is wrong. we have to safely reopen our borders for economic purposes for places like el paso, that is one community. this is about americansns not a party. >> how do you balance the safety of people in the district versus the economic impact. how do we not put people at risk but still open up and grow the economy. they have said time and time again the way that we open up the economy is by addressing this pandemic. we still don't have a national testing strategy. we don't have enough contact tracers. we need to start there so we can safely open up the economy. we need to get help to working families and business owners. when you have an opponent like i do. it shows you who has true loyalty is. you are hearing tonight two very different visions. they need
i was in el paso a couple weeks ago. she works as an executive assistant in el paso she lives there. every morning she has to get up two hours early to make it over the bridge she works a full day has to make it home and it takes her a next or two hours to get home. that is wrong. we have to safely reopen our borders for economic purposes for places like el paso, that is one community. this is about americansns not a party. >> how do you balance the safety of people in the district versus...
Oct 20, 2020
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. >> reporter: in el paso, texas, a 500% increase in cases this month. the virus taking the life of el paso bishop harrison johnson who gained worldwide attention last year presiding over the funeral for a mass shooting victim. >> something like the august 3rd shooting would never be here in el paso, but it was, so, you know, we can never say it can't happen here or cannot happen to us. >> reporter: on the front lines in salt lake city, health care workers say resources are stretched thin. >> they cannot continue to do this at this pace for as long as we are looking at the trajectory of covid-19 for our country. >> reporter: other experts called worrying. massachusetts just reported its highest number of cases in one day since may. florida is seeing infection rates rise also. arkansas reported its largest daily increase in hospitalizations and as cases rise across illinois, some areas could face new restrictions. chicago's mayor with this warning. >> make no mistake, we are in the second surge. >> reporter: and in kansas one nursing home saying ten of it
. >> reporter: in el paso, texas, a 500% increase in cases this month. the virus taking the life of el paso bishop harrison johnson who gained worldwide attention last year presiding over the funeral for a mass shooting victim. >> something like the august 3rd shooting would never be here in el paso, but it was, so, you know, we can never say it can't happen here or cannot happen to us. >> reporter: on the front lines in salt lake city, health care workers say resources are...