presidents -- william howard taft comes to mind -- people who are, again, almost too rational, too cerebral, who don't have in their dna whatever that political gene in that enables a lyndon johnson in the most extreme example to thrive. >> what were the circumstances in 1932, did he run again, and what happened? >> he ran again. he was nominated by a republican convention. we didn't mention prohibition. another issue that complicated life particularly for the republicans because by and large, they had a lot of rural supporters. the republican party was split on the issue of prohibition. hoover, again, cosmo poll tin figure who didn't mind taking a drink but who was sworn to enforce the law. and in 1932, he was on the unpopular side of the issue. i think by 1932, there are a lot of people, including the regional supporters of prohibition, that concluded that this experiment had not worked and that in many ways it had backfired. he was carrying that deadweight. he had the depression. he had his own inability to inspire. you think of fdr and radio. hoover was on radio. the difference is, hoover was once asked if he got excited, if he found it exciting speaking on the radio. and he