biologist ingrid elice has put beehives in this field to see of the insects are feeding on the flowers. although the field is the bees habitat the scientists want to confirm they also gather pollen here small only to be sure the pollen comes from this field step or an every year we have to make certain that there could be something in the field that the bees haven't collected from and that would be important information for us. think of the elite uses a little trick to find out where the pollen comes from 1st she calms the bees with a bit of smoke. then she uses a grid to block the entrance to the hive. this allows her to gather the pollen that collects on the bees hind legs in their orange colored sacks which she then strips off to examine later. if the bees want to get into the honeycombs in the hive they have to crawl through the grid. the grid openings are so narrow that the insects can just squeeze through. but the pollen on their hind legs sticks to it these samples show how the pollen differs depending on which plant it came from. after an hour the 1st batch is ready for examina