. >> homicide detective robby hinson came on duty later that day at the jacksonville sheriff's office. he was assigned the missing person case that would change his life. did you go back out to this airport motel? >> yes, we did. we spent quite some time canvassing the rooms and saw who interviewed people, interviewed the security guard. >> there were stories about strangely acting men even then? >> yeah. even then. >> the security guard told the detective a man standing earlier on a second-floor balcony seemed overly interested in the activity below at the dumpster. but he checked out before detective hinson could talk to him. the same security guard also remembered seeing a woman fitting bonnie's description going into one of the second-floor rooms. the detective wondered where was the woman's car. that was still out there? >> the car was still missing. >> the airport was nearby so hinson cruised the parking lots there. >> it would be a logical place to hide a car. >> bingo, there was bonnie's toyota camry. maybe she caught a plane. >> right. >> it was a theory, had a frustrated wif