it it was hienormous margin the last time that was a hinthat the pollster missed the rural white consertive vote that actually propelled trump to victory in key states. so, if trump is winning by really narrow margins in diana, that would be bad news for him as the night rolls on. the othestate, obviously, to look at is florida with 29 electoral votes. it reports usually early, but it's always been close-- less than 1% or so the last three elections. so, if there's a decisive win in florida, that's going to set the ne for the rest of the night. >> sreenivasan: jeff, let's also talk about the senate. there's so much concern on where the balance of power is on whether the presidency goes one direction. dohaesalso mean the senate goes the same direction? >> that's exactly why it's as imptiortant as the presid outcome. just imagine a president trump with a democratic senate or a president biden with a republican senate. you are defining "gridlock." right now, democratic allengers seem to be leading in arizona and colorado, in maine-- that's san collins' seat-- and in north carolina, and republi