s when they visited the united states, and that is that people were given totally different reports about individual news events according to the political party affiliated with the paper they read. europeanisitors often could not recognize the event they themselves had witnessed when they read about in the different party papers the next morning. i think people read the party paper for which they were affiliated and nothing else. i think it is comparable to the research we have on viewers who are glued often to msnbc or fox but don't flip the dial between to get different perspectives. susan: the press was really about a trajectory of partisan and moving into coverage that was supposed to be fair to whomever was in office, and now we are again in an age where at least on television, people are moving to partisan outlets. harold: absolutely. i wouldn't even say are moving. susan: have moved. harold: they have unloaded the moving van and are in the house. susan: getting back to thomas jefferson, you referenced thomas calendar, his greatest enemy. also left damage to jefferson's reputation. what do we know about calendar? harold: he was a jefferson ally, he had been writing for a paper in p