what they all in prison want they all criminals and there's a an interesting case of professor jim fallon he's ever such a psychological researcher and united states as part of a study scan his own brain using a technique called positron emission tomography pet scan and he didn't realize what he done but he'd actually put its own brain scan into the sokal he was looking at and he realized that this person who scanners are can have very hard if all of the physiological in the case of psychopathy but he lived to a normal life and this is his brain he did the normal life he had a successful career in research and yet he had all of that is logical characteristics of a psychopath so it's not the case that everyone with these deficiencies ends up in prison and some of them can be quite successful but we do know that yet the majority of psychopaths that we encounter are in prison service is mental health services and usually that for quite a serious crime and that effort quite a long time as well i don't be flippant but tell me about your favorite of the 7 cases right i mean they're all quite gr