nhk world's yuko fukushima interviewed him in person and online to find out more about his vision. >> this pandemic had, you know, impacted our lives so much and for you, how has it impacted your life? >> well, i've been in portland. one of my homes. one of my offices. i'm sitting in my studio now. this is the longest time that i've never traveled. now, this has changed things for everyone around the world in terms of the apparel industry. look at the luxury business. they are -- basically the question everyone has to ask themselves, no matter what segment of apparel that you work in, the question is, why do we exist? do we offer something that is purposeful and meaningful and valuable for the people, you know, in our society? >> despite the pandemic, uniqlo unveiled a new store in tokyo's harajuku district known internationally as a center of japanese youth culture and fashion. the store embodies john jay's vision. he believes having a physical presence is still essential to tell consumers what the brand is all about. he also believes the future lies in integrating digital media with