. -- sharyl atkinson attkisson.ou have written books taking a look at the media, what does this book have apart from the others. ofst: it is the evolution the death of the news which has been observed by most of the people listening and watching today but don't necessarily know what is behind it. in this book i talk about what is happening with social media. this trend in social media is born of the same time of putting coed corporate interest that has controlled news narratives before the focused on social media and internet because they thought the public could still get unfettered access and viewpoints and people so they decided to figure out started that and have done so successfully how to control the information we see online. host: we heard about social media leading up to the election. you are saying before then these trends were happening? guest: right. big tech for all of its flaws and invading our privacy was not interested in interceding between us and information until 2016 when they were lobbied to do