and i‘m angelique. we did a mad dash to get here.nd things were getting uneasy and we could see there were no other tourists except us and we were like, what is going on? so we did the mad dash to new zealand and got here literally before they got into their lockdown. we wanted to achieve our goal in the next two years of visiting every country, so we were moving pretty fast this year until covid hit. but the big question is if it lasts for another year, what will we do? where will we go? but i'm sure things will start to progress and eventually the world has to open up again. i am sam and i been to 183 countries. covid was starting to be talked about more and more people got worried and i had been seeing people on planes wearing more masks and i figured well, i only have 20 countries left and i was meant to finish in april and i flew to fiji to tonga and then once i got to tonga, two days later, they closed all the borders and that no—one can leave and we were stuck there and i waited for five months and then i was hearing from gove