i am here to betty bates. so -- dealer events as sort of our massive monsters on their own so like. and even though if you dropped a head of time things will go wrong it is inevitable so you can't be that hard on yourself. of the ones. in the car because of the month [inaudible] the sony [inaudible] while. i had a my husband is is such an amazing person and he's such a great supporter for everything i do and he is willing to take off time from work to come in and help the team. i don't like a lot of people understand how much. time. and their king it takes to an event -- so i think we lost him understanding why we do it and yes i mean. do you get at night to get it that's why i supported -- and it takes away for not only from has time from hostile sign and it's been a little busy weekend. yeah because i i i don't believe in weekends yeah [inaudible] so. so it takes away from from the time sometimes the first day. but we're building for customs future. from the your building right and getting i mean when you see the event you see the energy. very good energy and we need good energy.