what pip pluto knapton were discovered on paper 1st is like mathematics can only lay. later were confirmed as existing by astronomers do we need the same to happen to establish the existence of many pluto like objects in a keeper belt or will a mission like new horizons will suffice will we go search for new bodies new objects in the put of them it's been done from the earth with much bigger telescopes and it's those ground based telescopes that we've spotted these other planets out there with names like how many are. in eras. try and so forth and so these are not direct or if these are worlds that we photographed and studied with around the sun source or in the. so private space flight is becoming very popular in 2022 nasa is sending you abroad a virgin galactic to run experiments space x. through dragon has to sarah carried nasa astronauts to iowa says there's also jeff bezos blue origin as he did a good thing that space missions are becoming and being outsourced to private companies. well i think so because. the national space agency. why the russian space agency nas