shot the eagles as well as co-author of the conservative case for trunks and new york we have sarah norman she is a democratic strategist digital marketer and data scientist and in pasadena we cross to greg john who well he is co-host and co-creator of the independent media show congo or across up rules and effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i was appreciate it ok let's go to it and and you know when i look at the last 2 election cycles and how the the polling was off i think it's it's more than methodology it's what we think about polls and and it seems also to me that the embedded in that is that there should be a certain kind of voter and i think that the polls that are written looking for a certain kind of voter and when you do that you don't get the results that you want or people simply just won't answer honestly because they don't trust people they don't trust polling and politics. fortunately and so divisive so head well i you know i am a little bit more cynical if you can believe it i actually think my old boss phyllis schlafly for whom i worked like phyllis sc