sarbanes and expressing condolence to the family of paul spyros sarbanes on his passing.the presiding officer: without objection, the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. cardin: i ask unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, and that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table, with no intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. cardin: thank you, madam president. i would now yield the floor in anticipation that my colleague from maryland, the two of us have joined together to pay tribute to senator sarbanes, be recognized. the presiding officer: the senator from maryland. mr. van hollen: thank you, madam president. i want to start by thanking my friend and colleague, the senior senator from maryland, senator ben cardin, for his remembrance of paul sarbanes. it's an honor to join him and others in offering a resolution in memory of senator paul sarbanes, and i should say that senator sarbanes was very pleased that ben cardin succeeded him in his seat here in the united state