know when i look at an open source project like linux right you've got a benevolent dictator linus torvalds and everything kind of flows through him but that's not because he's open source but you've got this consensus algorithm which brings in all the nodes so how would you contrast the linux compared to decline as an open source project so because it was definitely developed in the lineage of open source projects and because of that when it was early on in the projects history they followed those conventional models so as you mentioned when x. is accepted in or was accepted in open source that you generally have a founder or creator who isn't out with certain rights to make decisions about software actually after all it's their intellectual create. it's seen as the people who are joining you know they are users of the project and they are contributing to it they're seen as you know being sworn in to this leader figure right so if they call and you have an early strong leader figure and to toshi you have you know he disappears over time for reasons still unclear and we have a new group tha