mayra ramirez.onday i woke up, i was soju weak, i fell over. (breathing deeply and rapidly) everything was, like, dark. and i remember calling out for my boyfriend, i was like, "george, george," like, and would, like, run and, like, help me, and i was like, "okay, i really need to go to theergen" they, like, immediately, like, put me in a room, didn't en ask me my name or anything. (medicalquipment beeping) i remember a doctor came in and told me that, "we're pretty sure we're gonna have to intubate you, do you hav someone that can make medical decisions for you?" then, um... it's just kind of a blur, what happened after i got intubated. ♪ >> the day they told us thatwa mayra, um, iher last day, we're all on the trampoline, just... my mom was crying, um, my sisters, all my aunts were t thery were crying. they didn't know what to do. and we were just plannin um, to go pick up a corpse.yi i was trng to avoid it. >> i love you so much. >> uh-oh (chuckles). >> medical people are wonderful but they're no