against sexual assault allegations or studies such as the famous last in the monastery or the bugs bunny disneyland where people ended up believing memories that were planted into their heads bury searchers but one studies show we can make people believe they so bugs bunny in this land can 2 magic memories lake abuse or betrayal really being planted on you know these types of memories not to serious for such many patients. you know we have human subjects and ethics committees that review our our proposed research and so we we are probably not going to be able to plant. a deliberate false memory that your father raped you for 10 years in a satanic cult. we wouldn't be given permission to do something quite that drastic and so what researchers have done is tried to think of an analog something you can plant that if it actually happened it would have been at least mildly traumatic and so we have succeeded what will we are other investigators in my field in planning a false memory that you were attacked by a vicious animal or you were bullied or you nearly drowned and had to be rescued by a lifeguard o