amid accusations he ignores the plight of his own workers during the pandemic with his take care dimitri polk. everyone likes convenience but in this weird time where the pandemic the stores are all closed and nothing is as convenient as amazon we all use it but let's face it it's becoming harder and harder to ignore the teensy fact that there are really a giant soulless monopoly and who better to represent that monopoly and everything that is wrong with having too much money and power then amazon c.e.o. jeff bezos well apparently he has seen the error of his ways and decided to change basis is officially stepping down as amazon c.e.o. so focuses attention on nobler causes like philanthropy spaceflight journalism and given his track record these ventures are bound to be a huge success i mean the guy is full of life and optimism a firm a work meaningful and fun i get to work with the smartest most talented most ingenious teammates when times have been good you've been humble when times have been tough you've been strong and supportive and we've made each of the left. it is a joy to work on thi